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Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2

Vysokovýkonné pneumatiky navrhnuté na zlepšenie vášho zážitku z jazdy: výkonnosť, kontrolu a priľnavosť, na ceste či okruhu
Pripravte sa na trať. Pneumatika na trať s homologovaným cestným použitím. 
Letná pneumatika MICHELIN Pilot Sport Cup 2 je určená pre vodičov, ktorí požadujú vysoké výkony a presnú ovládateľnosť na trati [1]. 
  • Vysokovýkonná letná pneumatika MICHELIN na použitie na trať i na cestu
  • Presné jazdné reakcie a dobrá ovládateľnosť
  • Vynikajúca priľnavosť a kontrola nad vozidlom [1]
  • Vyvinutá pre dlhú životnosť a odolnosť na trati – priemerne o 40 % viacej kôl v porovnaní s konkurenčnými pneumatikami [2]
  • Skvelo vyrovnané  časy na kolo na trati [3]

Hlavné výhody pre Pneumatika Pilot Sport Cup 2

Najlepšie časy na kolo na suchej trati – rýchlejšia než konkurenčné pneumatiky [1]
MICHELIN Pilot Sport Cup 2 je určená pre vášnivých vodičov, ktorí od pneumatiky vyžadujú vysoké výkony na trati. Technológia viaczložkovej zmesi gumy využíva dve rozdielne zmesi gumy na behúni: molekulárna štruktúra elastoméru zaručuje výnimočnú priľnavosť v zákrutách a tuhšia zmes gumy zvyšuje kontrolu nad riadením vozidla a priľnavosť na mokrom povrchu.  Zažite pocit víťazstva s pneumatikami, ktoré majú najlepší čas na kolo na suchej trati [1].


Existuje 8 recenzií PILOT SPORT CUP 2

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Zverejnené dňa 1. mája 2024 autor Charlie
Odporúčam túto pneumatiku

Fantastic dry grip and handling

Dry grip and handling of this tyre are fantastic, I had the cup 2 in a 225/40/18 on a fwd car however performance in the wet is extremely lacking - as would be expected with a tyre of this type. Tread wear is as to be expected with a soft tyre compound.

Dry grip and braking
Wet grip and braking
Vozidlo: VOLKSWAGEN Golf
Kúpte: 12. 09. 23
Zverejnené dňa www.michelin.co.uk
Zverejnené dňa 1. mája 2024 autor Sambarini
Odporúčam túto pneumatiku

My Peugeot 308 Gti became alive when wearing Cup 2's!

I can whole heatedly recommend placing Michelin's excellent Pilot Sport Cup 2 tyres (with N0 Porsche fitment) onto your car! Even if you don't do track-days! Perfect for fast road and road trips into Europe. They may only come with 4.2mm of treat from new but wear rate so far has been great. This is due to lower block wobble due to a lower original height so a lower build-up of heat, from any potential wobble/movement. Grip is raised over my previous PS4S tyres but what i really Really REALLY love is the enhanced steering feel. You do feel an improvement in turn-in and feedback. For those who've heard or read above wet grip, don't believe it. It's way better than you can imagine for the type of tyre it is. Don't let the chat put you off. I have had 2 punctures with these Cup 2's (in the same tyre!) on the road but this might just be had luck! Don't think it's a result of the softer tyre. If you can find them at a good price then go for it. If i can, I might even try the incredible Cup 2 R's on the Pug next then take it to the Nurburgring! Imagine that!?!

Dry grip and braking
Wet grip and braking
Vozidlo: PEUGEOT 308
Kúpte: 01. 06. 23
Zverejnené dňa www.michelin.co.uk
Zverejnené dňa 27. októbra 2023 autor George
Odporúčam túto pneumatiku

Track Day Tyre

I've done only 1 track day on these tyre, and in my honest opinion, they will be hard pushed to be beaten by any other tyre. Unfortunately the Cup 2 R doesn't come in my size, but I can imagine that's about the only "semi-slick" tyre that would be better. The braking and cornering grip is phenomenal and is very predictable when you do push beyond it's capability (which is hard done). Wet grip is pretty bad, but that's to be expected from this tyre. Overall, I won't be buying any other tyre for track days. Very pleased

Dry grip and braking
Wet grip and braking
Kúpte: 01. 10. 23
Zverejnené dňa www.michelin.co.uk
Zverejnené dňa 1. júla 2023 autor Ali mohebi

Bad suggest

The store suggest me tyre sport cup 2 and the change front tyres and when aksed for back tyre they say we dont have same and i cant find it in uae

Dry grip and braking
Wet grip and braking
Kúpte: 30. 06. 23
Zverejnené dňa www.michelin.co.uk
Zverejnené dňa 12. septembra 2022 autor Anonymous

Not worth it !

Them tyres not even done 6000 miles and gone 👎🏼

Dry grip and braking
Wet grip and braking
Kúpte: 12. 05. 22
Zverejnené dňa www.michelin.co.uk